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she said Satan lurks in her coffee -says she knows because she 
I know, because I make it each morning for you
  whips up inside of me and roams around all lonely and to still there with no conclusion body lies flat out neither have you or emptylying flat with his entrails propping out she hold on tight to her intestinal stuff so Im deep inside the bloody holes I never wanting to call you a fool but for some reason saw we were and you can’t remember the real part of what I was ever saying used for the internal side of my personality whoever I was as I turn pages in my book my heart is in the woman who lies stay in the back alley lurking waiting cold stone so eat you up so remodeling your mind there is a point of the top of the roof if it’s enough stories high up as easy to jump off I’m sure if you were in no hurry you could scope the edges out then feel your heart swiftly drowning swiftly is fasting swiftly fantasizing that it will be drowning and a fantastic painless ending on the ground or the floor perhaps you’ll land on the tomorrow undertail things

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